Jenelle Hooson is a Registered Member with NZAC (New Zealand Association of Counsellors). 

Jenelle‘s counselling style is person-centred and she is primarily trained in Solution Focused Counselling. This means that she works in a collaborative, goal-oriented approach with students by listening to what is important to them and focusing on their strengths wherever possible. Most of all, Jenelle aims to provide counselling sessions tailored to meet the needs of each individual so that they feel supported and heard.

Counselling is a confidential service. Counselling practices at Medbury School are in accordance with the NZAC Code of Ethics. In the first counselling session with a student, Jenelle will explain her approach to counselling and how the student’s information is kept private and confidential. The only exception to confidentiality is in relation to safety. If there is a safety or a wellbeing concern, for the student or someone the student knows, staff or parents/caregivers will be contacted and the appropriate support will be provided.

Whilst respecting confidentiality, Jenelle works with family/whānau as much as possible. Jenelle recognises the importance of each student’s support network, whether that be at school, home or as part of other groups and communities the student is connected with. 

This article, Talking with your child about the option of counselling support, is shared by Jenelle at the start of each year. It may be useful if you would like to know more about counselling, how it may be helpful for your child and how you might discuss this option at home. 

Referrals can be made by a parent/caregiver and/or staff, or a student can self-refer. If you wish to discuss counselling services further, please talk to your child’s homeroom teacher or make contact with Jenelle directly: